I developed a water recycling system for the printing industry. Every black and white page of a newspaper needs a printing plate, color pages require four. To process the plates it takes 3 gallons of water to wash one plate - that adds up to a lot of water! I needed a PLC to control my system. The controller had to be expandable and also did not require hardware development. I needed a controller with a display, buttons, leds and software I could work with. I tried other systems but they were limited... either they did not have off-the-shelf hardware or their programing was to limiting. Then I found SPLat! They had the hardware solution and programing that could take me anywhere.
My first customers were installed around the San Francisco Bay area in 2008. The Bay Area is proactive in saving resources and California has rebates to help. My newest systems are going to Hawaii. They will be the twenty first and twenty second systems installed. Systems saving resources - technology pushing sustainability.
I am off to Hawaii to save some water. Lets all take a drink to that!
Terry Clark, January 4, 2014
ENVIO CtP plate wash water processor