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InputF ii*+

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InputF ii*+

(T=Z; Z=Y; Y=X;) X = (input ii) ; without debounce

Pushes the state of the nominated input number ii to X in Boolean form. If the input has a closed contact X becomes True, otherwise X becomes False.

This is a fast input instruction which bypasses the debounce mechanism used for the Input instruction. InputF tests the state of the input line directly, and can be used for detecting rapid input changes. Where speed is not important (i.e. a 10-20mS response time is OK), you should use the debounced Input instruction.

Please be aware that this instruction is not supported on SEXI inputs, it will only work on local inputs.

* This instruction can also use the Index Register by adding i in front of the instruction. Click here for a list of indexed instructions.

+ From dialect 16 the address argument will be jndexed when executed inside a MultiTrack task and will be indexed if the instruction is preceded by the IasJ: precode.

Dialect restriction: The InputF instruction is not implemented in SP108 hardware boards with Firmware Version 1.0.

See also Output, Input