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NV0Byte Directive [D>=15]

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NV0Byte Directive [D>=15]

This applies only to SPLat/PC versions 6.15.1 or later, and is relevant only to SPLat controllers with language dialect 15 or later.

The NV0Byte directive causes SPLat/PC to create one or more data bytes in NVEM0 memory. The argument to NV0Byte consists of a comma-delimited list of bytes in any of the following formats

ExampleMax valueDescription
23 255 Decimal constant
'A3 255 Hex constant
%10101100 255 Binary constant
FooBar 255 A previously EQUated constant
T 255 Boolean True = %11111111
F 255 Boolean False = %0000000
"Hello"   A quoted text string
#WORD 65535 A 15 or 16 bit value preceded by #. New in SPLat/PC V7.16.4

Strings may be any printable characters, enclosed in quotes. A quotation mark is represented by two quotation marks in a row, viz ""

Any number of individual bytes, words and strings may be concatenated, with commas separating them. Spaces are not allowed except within quoted strings.

The #WORD form is supported in SPLat/PC V7.16.4 and later. It simplifies building of ModBus master scripts. It allows 16-bit values to be embedded in byte lists, but does have the limitation that values over 32767 expressed in anything other than decimal will be rejected. It is also not possible to include a 16-bit NVEM pointer value.


WordConst  EQU	     51234                     ;A long decimal constant
MaxSpeed EQU 100 ;A byte constant

MyTable NV0Byte 45 ;Decimal constant
NV0Byte 'A9 ;Hex constant
NV0Byte %10101100 ;Binary constant
NV0Byte 45,'A9,%10101100 ;All 3 of above combined
NV0Byte MaxSpeed ;Symbolic constant defined in an EQU
NV0Byte "The quick brown fox" ;Simple text string
NV0Byte "Said ""I will bite you""" ;Quotes within a string
NV0Byte "Hello World",'0D,'0A ;Mixed
NV0Byte MaxSpeed,#WordConst,"OK" ;Mixed

Please refer to the NVEM0 documentation for more details and examples.

Note that from SPLat/PC build 329 you may place NVEM directives anywhere in your code.  If you do this, then the line label for an NV0Byte directive must be on the same line. The following is not allowed:

MyTable:    **** ILLEGAL!!! *****
NV0Byte 45