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LaunchTaskJ LLLL [D>=16]

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LaunchTaskJ LLLL [D>=16]

<new task: PC = LLLL; <task J> = J; {task registers} = {registers}>

Launches the MultiTrack child task that starts at line LLLL. The J-register value is inherited from the parent task The task address is entered into the task queue for later execution when the task queue is run using RunTasksForever or RunTasks.

Note that this new task gets its own separate copy of all registers - X, Y, Z, T, I, W and Q - as well as all the NVEM registers.  The task also has its own specific timebase for times (10ms by default, until it's changed inside the task).

This instruction can only be executed from within a task running under MultiTrack. See MultiTrack tutorial

Dialect exclusions: Not available in dialects before 16.