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ModBus Master control script commands

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ModBus Master control script commands

ModBus tutorial

ModBus script commands are stored as table entries in NVEM page 0. In the following pages, each function consists of a 1-byte numeric value followed by 0 to several parameters.

Here are a list of equates in SPLat format:

;--MODBUS function codes
MBkFunc_ReadCoils EQU 1 ;ReadCoils, SlaveAddr, #SrcAddr, ItemCount, #SPLatRAM16
MBkFunc_ReadDiscreteInputs EQU 2 ;ReadInputs, SlaveAddr, #SrcAddr, ItemCount, #SPLatRAM16
MBkFunc_ReadHoldingRegisters EQU 3 ;ReadHReg, SlaveAddr, #SrcAddr, ItemCount, #SPLatRAM16, NumFormat
MBkFunc_ReadInputRegisters EQU 4 ;ReadInputs, SlaveAddr, #SrcAddr, ItemCount, #SPLatRAM16, NumFormat
MBkFunc_WriteSingleCoil EQU 5 ;WriteCoil, SlaveAddr, #DstAddr, #SPLatRAM16
MBkFunc_WriteSingleRegister EQU 6 ;WriteHReg, SlaveAddr, #DstAddr, #SPLatRAM16, NumFormat
MBkFunc_WriteMultipleCoils EQU 15 ;WriteCoils, SlaveAddr, #DstAddr, ItemCount, #SPLatRAM16
MBkFunc_WriteMultipleRegisters EQU 16 ;WriteMultReg, SlaveAddr, #DstAddr, ItemCount, #SPLatRAM16, NumFormat
MBkFunc_Goto EQU 128 ;Goto NV0Ptr Addr
MBkFunc_Stop EQU 129 ;Stop
MBkFunc_Delay EQU 130 ;Delay, 10msTicks (0 - 255)
;--MODBUS number format codes
;for float labels, this is what the letters mean A=31:24, B=23:16, C=15:8, D=7:0
MBkFormat_Byte EQU 0 ;only save LSB of big endian register (hence save the second byte) (standard)
MBkFormat_Word EQU 1 ;16 bit big endian
MBkFormat_ByteLE EQU 2 ;byte, little endian (non-standard)
MBkFormat_WordLE EQU 3 ;word, little endian (non-standard)
MBkFormat_FloatABCD EQU 4 ;big endian
MBkFormat_FloatBADC EQU 5 ;big endian, byte swapped
MBkFormat_FloatDCBA EQU 6 ;little endian
MBkFormat_FloatCDAB EQU 7 ;little endian byte swapped (Modicon and Wonderware standard)

And an example of usage

#Open_Serial Port( COM0 ) MODBUSMaster( 38400, n, 0, 50 )
COMRunScript pMODBUSScript
<your application code>

NVEM0 ;Start of non-volatile memory

NV0Byte MBkFunc_ReadCoils, 0, #160, 8, #asCoils

NV0Byte MBkFunc_WriteSingleCoil, 0, #1008, #sSingleCoil

NV0Byte MBkFunc_ReadHoldingRegisters, 0, #100, 1, #wCount, MBkFormat_Word

NV0Byte MBkFunc_ReadHoldingRegisters, 0, #103, 6, #fCount, MBkFormat_Word

NV0Byte MBkFunc_WriteSingleRegister, 0, #115, #wCount, MBkFormat_Word

NV0Byte MBkFunc_WriteMultipleRegisters, 0, #117, 6, #fCountIEEE_BER, MBkFormat_FloatCDAB

NV0Byte MBkFunc_Delay,10

NV0Byte MBkFunc_Goto
NV0Ptr pMODBUSScript