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OBCB Introduction

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OBCB Introduction

The OnBoard Counter B (normally abbreviated to "OBCB") is an intrinsic Firmware function that is implemented on a number of SPLat controller boards. This guide covers the aspects of the OBCB that are common to all implementations.

The OBCB is a feature of the controller's operating firmware introduced in dialect 19.

You should also read the OBCB specific material in the documentation for the specific controller (board) you are using.

The OBCB provides medium speed counting on up to 8 input pins. It can be used for event counting (e.g. counting bottles on a conveyor) or for frequency measurement (e.g. engine rpm). The maximum count frequency depends on the individual controller, but is typically 1.8kHz.

See also the OnBoard Counter A for a higher speed counting feature and OnBoard Quadrature Counter for direction sensitive counting.