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SPLat Knowledge Base

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SPLat Knowledge Base

The SPLat Knowledge Base (SKB) is a comprehensive documentation system covering the SPLat product. It is published online in HTML format. In September 2014 we switched to a new authoring tool—please let us know if you spot any obvious formatting problems introduced in the change-over.

The SKB consists of a collection of documents covering the various aspects of SPLat. These documents range from individual short articles on technical topics of interest, through to full technical manuals on individual SPLat products. The SKB brings them all together as one large structured document with a shared index and glossary.

The SKB is not a static document. It is constantly being added to and revised as the SPLat product evolves. If you received this on CD or as a single download, you should check back regularly with the online version when you are researching any particular topic. You will surely even find some topic headings with nothing in them. That means they are planned for future versions of the SKB. The online version will generally be the most up to date.

Because we change the SKB frequently, we do not attempt to track revisions.

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SPLat® and the SPLat logo are a registered trademark of Microconsultants Pty Ltd.

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