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# SpeakText (t:Text{, L:Language}{, c:Country}{, q:ClearQueue}) hash function

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# SpeakText (t:Text{, L:Language}{, c:Country}{, q:ClearQueue}) hash function

Valid for use with hash command: HMI Arguments may be specified as Name:Value Pairs

Implemented on the following platforms: Android, Windows (altered functionality).

Speaks out loud the supplied Text. See OldSpeakNumb for speaking numbers. Does not speak out loud in Windows; instead it shows a dismissible text box.

Language is the language to be spoken, and is specified as two lower case letters. Language codes. The target language must be installed in the Android device.

Country is the country specific variant ("dialect"). This is specified as two upper case letters. Country codes.

ClearQueue, if a non-zero number will result in any previously queued text being deleted. Otherwise the text for successive Speak functions is queued up.

Any of the arguments can be empty (with a necessary comma). If language/country are never specified the default setting on the Android device will apply.


The following program contains 3 calls to SpeakText(). The first call, during initialisation, sets language and country, with no text. The second call, in the evHelloWorld event handler subroutine has no ClearQueue flag. The third call has ClearQueue set (non-zero). This results in the spoken message "stomping on" any other speech that's in train. The example also illustrates the use of the OldSpeakNumb hash function. The program is written for an MS121 with a BT-TTL5 Bluetooth adaptor.

#       Open_Serial User(38400,8,N) 
        GoSub           HMI_Connect    ;Paint the initial screen
#       HMI ConnectEvent(HMI_Connect)  ;Declare the handler for the Connected event   
#       HMI SpeakText(t:"", L:"en", c:"AU",) ;Set the language/country for speech
        LaunchTask      HeartBeat      ;Blink an output to show we are alive
        LaunchTask      Crash          ;Catch an input, crash to get back control of serial port

;Connected event: Paint the screen
# HMI Reset() Cls() HideAllButtons()   
# HMI ButtonEvent(, 0.25, 0.2, 3, 0.6, "Hello World",  evHelloWorld)
# HMI ButtonEvent(, 0.5, 0.2, 3, 0.6, "How are you?",  evHowRU)
# HMI ButtonEvent(, 0.75, 0.2, 3, 0.6, "Count",  evCount)
#       HMI SpeakText(t:"Hello world")
#       HMI SpeakText("How are you?",,,1)        ;Will pre-empt previous speeches.

#       HMI SpeakText(t:"Count is ") SpeakNumb(f(*fCount, 5, 1))  
        fRecallW        fCount  
        fLoadQ          0.1
        fStore          fCount
fCount defFLOAT       
********************* Minor stuff ***************************************************        
;Blink an output to signal the program is running
        On              8
        Pause           1
        Off             8
        Pause           25
        GoTo            HeartBeat        
;Deliberately crash the program to get back control of the serial port, so SPLat/PC can connect.
Crash:  WaitOnK         12
Here    GoSub           Here