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# HBar(r|y:Row, c|x:Col, h:Height, w:FSWidth, v:Value) hash function

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# HBar(r|y:Row, c|x:Col, h:Height, w:FSWidth, v:Value) hash function

Valid for use with hash command: HMI. Arguments may be specified as Name:Value Pairs

Implemented on the following platforms: HMi430, Android, Windows

This function will draw one bar of a horizontal bar graph. This is useful for indicating analog values graphically.

Replaces HBarOld, which is deprecated

The parameters are:


The screen row where the top of the bar is to be positioned. This refers to character rows in the default font size. Row numbers are 0 based, so the top row is row 0.


The screen position where the left of the bar is to be positioned. This refers to character columns in the default font size. Column numbers are 0 based, so the start of each line is 0. See the table below for more detail.


The height of the bar. See the table below for more detail.


The full scale width of the bar. This is the screen width that will be occupied by the maximum fArg value'


A floating point variable containing the value to be plotted. Must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Generally specified with a float formatting function.

The bar is drawn by drawing a rectangle in the current background colour, then on top of that drawing a left-justified rectangle in the current foreground colour whose horizontal length is FSWidth * Value. Value should lie in the range 0.0 to 1.0.

In addition to being simple numbers, the row/column coordinates may also be specified in relative or proportional terms. The following table illustrates the possibilities.

Format (example) As a row specifier As a column specifier


Row number 5 from the top, counting from 0. This can be a fractional number such as 5.5 Column number 5 from the left, counting from 0


Row 5 from the bottom, counting from 0. This can be a fractional number such as -5.25 Column 5 from the right, counting from 0


The top character row The left-most character column


The bottom character row The right-most character column


One quarter of (0.25 times) the screen height from the top. Fractional number between -1 and +1 are interpreted as a fraction of the screen. One quarter of the screen width from the left.


One quarter of the screen height from the bottom. One quarter of the screen width from the right.


The top-bottom centre of the screen. The left-right centre of the screen.


Five character rows down from the centre Five character widths right from the centre.


Five character rows up from the centre Five character width left from the centre.


One quarter character row down from the centre. After a "C" all numbers are interpreted as multiples of the character pitch. One quarter character width right from the centre.


Three and a quarter character rows up from the centre. After a "C" all numbers are interpreted as multiples of the character pitch. Three and a quarter character widths left from the centre.

In addition to being simple numbers, the width and height coordinates may also be specified in relative or proportional terms. The following table illustrates the possibilities.

Format (example) As a height specifier As a width specifier


5 character rows in height 5 character rows in width


One quarter of (0.25 times) the screen height. Always calculated as a full number of rows, always rounded down, but forced to be at least 1. One quarter of (0.25 times) the screen width. Always calculated as a full number of columns, always rounded down, but forced to be at least 1.

Example. The following program will produce the result shown below on an HMI430. The bar is drawn with a red foreground and white background. The buttons can be used to change the bar length:

(Click here for some tips for working around problems with copy and paste out of Internet Explorer and HTML-help (.chm) files)

;======= Demonstrate Hbar hash function.  For HMI430 ==================
;Lacks serial port assignment/initialisation required to work on Android or Windows
        GoSub           PaintHomeScreen 
        fLoadW          0.4            ;An initial value for the bar
        fStore          fHValue    
        GoSub           DrawGraph

fHValue defFLOAT    

# HMI Reset() HideAllButtons() SetColours(f:'FFFFFF, b:'0) Cls()    ;Blue screen    
# HMI  SetColours(f:'FFFFFF, b:'4040C0)      ;For buttons
# HMI ButtonEvent2(r:6, c:5, h:3, w:10, t:"-0.1", ev:EvMinusP1)         ;Buttons to alter value
# HMI ButtonEvent2(r:10, c:5, h:3, w:10, t:"+0.1", ev:EvPlusP1)         ;Buttons to alter value

# HMI ButtonEvent2(r:6, c:25, h:3, w:10, t:"-0.01", ev:EvMinusP01)         ;Buttons to alter value
# HMI ButtonEvent2(r:10, c:25, h:3, w:10, t:"+0.01", ev:EvPlusP01)         ;Buttons to alter value

;Button Event handlers. Let the user change the value plotted        
        fLoadQ          -0.01 
        GoTo            ChangeVal
        fLoadQ          0.01 
        GoTo            ChangeVal
        fLoadQ          0.1 
        GoTo            ChangeVal
        fLoadQ          -0.1
        fRecallW        fHValue
        fStore          fHValue  
# HMI SetColours(b:'FFFFFF, f:'FF0000)
# HMI HBar(r:3, c:4, h:2, w:40, v:f(*fHValue, 4, 2))
# HMI SetColours(f:'000000, b:'00000000) SetCursor(3, 20) Print(f(*fHvalue, 4, 2))