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fStore mm*+

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fStore mm*+

Stores the Floating-Point number in W into data memory in the location mm plus the following 3 locations (using a total of 4 locations)

The R-register is not affected.

* This instruction can also use the Index Register by adding i in front of the instruction. For this instruction the value of the index register gets multiplied by 4. That means it can easily be used to index into an array of floating point numbers.

+ From dialect 16 the address argument will be jndexed when executed inside a MultiTrack task and will be indexed if the instruction is preceded by the IasJ: precode.

Special note: Firmware versions up to V3.2 (MMi99) and V3.4 (SL99) handled indexed floating point instructions incorrectly.

Dialect restriction: The fStore instruction is not implemented in boards with dialect numbers less than 6, or which do not have the FP processor.

See also fLoadW, fLoadQ, fRecallW, fRecallQ, fSwap, fWtoQ