GoIfInOff ii+,LLLL
PC = (input ii) ? (PC+1) : LLLL
(A FastTrack instruction)
This instruction tests the nominated input ii
. If the input is off, the program will go to (jump to) the program line with the label LLLL
. If the input is on, the program will continue at the next instruction.
This instruction uses debounced inputs. Debounce adds a delay of 8 to 20mS to the input response, in order to reject contact bounce (chattering) in mechanical input switches.
+ From dialect 16 the address argument will be jndexed when executed inside a MultiTrack task and will be indexed if the instruction is preceded by the IasJ:
Dialect restriction: This instruction is not implemented on boards prior to dialect D=7, but can be used on older boards via automatic translation by SPLat/PC.
See also GoIfInOn