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How SPLat works

NOTICE: Our web site is being updated, but is currently experiencing extreme slowness due to host issues. Please contact us directly.
NOTICE: SPLat Controls has moved. We are now at 1/85 Brunel Rd, Seaford, 3198. map
SPLat will be shut down for the Christmas Holiday season from Friday 20 December 2024 through Tuesday 7 January 2025. We will check emails periodically and will continue to process orders but at a slower pace. Santa hat

How SPLat works

This paper will give you an introduction to the inner workings of SPLat. Most of this is technical stuff you will never need to know. We've made it available to you in case you are curious about the inner workings of SPLat. You may however want to check out the section on programming, which will give you a quick overview of what it's like to program SPLat.