HMI - Simple Example
As with most things in life, getting started can be a little tough. So here's a very simple HMI example that:
- Displays "Hello World" over 2 lines
- Draws a button centered on bottom of the screen
- Counts up when the button is pressed or is held.
HUEkViolet #EQU 'FF8F00FF ;create a named colour
bValue defBYTE ;make a variable to hold a counter
;draw some text and a button
#HMI Print( "Hello\nWorld!" )
#HMI ButtonEvent2( x:c-4, y:-3, w:20%, h:3, m:"r20", t:"Press\nMe!", rb:HUEkViolet, ev:subCount )
;start multitasking (required for button events)
;this subroutine is called when the button is pressed or held
IncM bValue ;increment the counter
#HMI SetCursor( x:0, y:c ) ;display the..
#HMI Print( b(*bValue,f) ) ; value
Return ;finished handling the button
This is a fully working example.
Any text that starts on the first column is a label and everything that doesn't start on the first column is an instruction or directive. In this example, the labels are:
As bValue is assigned to a defBYTE it becomes a label for a RAM byte address. All the other labels are assigned program addresses. A terminating colon ":" is optional.
Be aware you must use MultiTrack multi-tasking otherwise your button subroutine won't be called.
Remember to "Return" from the button subroutine.
It's good programming practice to only draw to the screen from one task. Drawing from a button subroutine is ok, but best keep it simple & quick.
For the more adventurous
The full source code for the demo program that ships with the HMI430 is also available: