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SX10500: Selecting and setting address

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SX10500: Selecting and setting address


The board has a field of 4 jumpers designated "ID" and labelled 1, 2, 3, 4. Number 4 is reserved for future purposes, leaving three for addressing.

3 jumpers give 8 possible bus addresses. The bus address is the numeric address used by Xwire to select the board. Every board connected to an Xwire system (be it using the Xwire connections or RS485), must have a unique address. The addresses selectable for the SX10500 board are given in the following table. X means the indicated jumper is inserted.

1 2 3 Addr
X     65
  X   66
X X   67
    X 68
X   X 69
  X X 70
X X X 71

Don't attempt to use the number 4 jumper for address setting.

Under no circumstance put a jumper on the PGMLOAD pins unless instructed to do so. Those pins and the COMMS connector are used solely for factory programming of the board. This is not a SPLat controller and is not designed for customer programming.