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# Hash commands and functions

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# Hash commands and functions

Hash commands and hash functions were introduced in January 2012. They are supported in SPLat/PC Build 160 or later.

A hash command is written as a line that starts with a hash character, #, also called sharp or pound sign.


   #HMI	SetCursor(3, 5)

In many hash functions the arguments can also be given as Name:Value Pairs (NVP) :-

   #HMI	SetCursor(r:3, c:5)

In the above line of code the # signals SPLat/PC to process the line as a hash command rather than a regular SPLat language instruction. In this particular example the hash command is HMI, while SetCursor(3, 5) is what we call a hash function. (The distinction between "command" and "function" is important).

One hash command may have zero, one or more hash functions on the same line. This may and will vary between hash commands. Also, each hash command will have its own unique set of allowable hash functions.

This section is organized by hash command. Under each hash command you will find all the matching hash functions. The headings all start with a # character so they will all appear together in the index.