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MMi203 product documentation

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MMi203 product documentation

Congratulations on your choice of the SPLat MMi203. The MMi203 is the latest product in a family line that started in 1998 with the MMi88. The MMi88 was the world's first user-programmable controller with a built in operator interface and user-customizable graphics overlay. Since then the product family has evolved with an LCD and many more onboard features, and is our most successful standard product concept.

The MMi203 will allow you to implement a control system in your product with a raft of useful and interesting features like user menus, Real Time Clock and communications. You will find the programming is extremely easy, thanks to our FastTrack and MultiTrack programming. We help you get started with a huge collection of instructional materials. If you should get stuck, our support is second to none - just send a tech support request through our website contacts page.

This document covers both the MMi203 and its predecessors the MMi202, MMi201, MMi200 and MMi99.

The MMi200 was an upgraded MMi99, using a larger capacity processor chip on the same printed circuit board.

The MMi203 is a further enhanced design with identical physical dimensions. The main difference is twice as much program memory.
