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SPLat/PC: Troubleshooting

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SPLat/PC: Troubleshooting

Random Crashes

SPLat/PC sometimes crashes at apparently random times.  Usually, it's when it starts up.  A way to fix this is to delete "C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\SPLat32\INIFile\SPLat32.INI".

The amount of table data you have assigned to NVEM0 is too much to fit the available memory space

A few people have been seeing this error, myself included.  It sometimes happens after connecting to a specific board.  It seems to be related to the size of the SPLat code, particularly on boards that SPLat/PC doesn't recognise.

One cause of this is a problem with the application in the module, to which SPLat/PC is not giving a suitable error message.

Sometimes, just adding a line in the NVEM0 section saying the following can help:

NV0Byte 0

This often doesn't work, so one solution is to:

  1. Close SPLat/PC
  2. Disconnect the module
  3. Re-open SPLat/PC
  4. Translate the code for the module
  5. Re-connect the module
  6. Download the code
  7. Click "Run"


One thing I've found useful is to keep a backup copy of this file handy: "C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\SPLat32\INIFile\SPLat32.INI".  This process usually (but not always) helps:

  1. Close SPLat/PC
  2. Delete "C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\SPLat32\INIFile\SPLat32.INI"
  3. Copy your backup copy of SPLat32.INI and rename it to SPLat32.INI
  4. Re-open SPLat/PC


Worst case, try connecting to a known board (such as an HMI430) and then re-building.

Absolute worst case, here are the steps to take:

  1. Uninstall SPLat/PC
  2. Delete "C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\SPLat32\INIFile\SPLat32.INI"
  3. Re-install SPLat/PC

If the problem comes back after re-connecting with your board, try the uninstall/delete/reinstall method shown above and then, without connecting to your board, do a translate, then a save.  After that, there should be a .B1N file in the file with the source that you can download using SPLASH.

Alternatively, it's often possible to do the translation without connecting, then connect and Download to Module and hit "Run".  This usually works.


Run-Time Error -2147417848 (Automation Error)

Runtime Automation Error


This is a Visual Basic error that is sometimes resolved by the simple act of deleting a blank line in your SPLat source file.