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Special payments

NOTICE: Our web site is being updated, but is currently experiencing extreme slowness due to host issues. Please contact us directly.
NOTICE: SPLat Controls has moved. We are now at 1/85 Brunel Rd, Seaford, 3198. map

Use this page if you need to make a credit card payment for something other than standard products.

To make a special payment, please follow these instructions carefully:

  1. Click the "Add to your shopping cart" button below
  2. When you are asked for a shipping option, select "You supply your shipper account # in Special Instructions"
  3. When you get to the shopping cart screen that summarises your order, adjust the item quantity to the number of dollars you need to pay.
  4. Click the "Change quantity" button
  5. Double check that the total you are being charged is correct. If the shopping cart still shows a freight cost (which will happen for payments under a certain amount) you can adjust the amount paid to balance it.
  6. Proceed to the checkout and supply your credit card details.
  7. On the secure payments screen make sure to type into the special instructions box the details of what you are paying for (maybe one of our invoice numbers).
  8. If you are paying over $1000 you may get a warning about exceeding our credit card limit. We will email you if there is a need to use alternative methods.

We process credit card payments manually and we will only do so if we are quite clear about what the payment is for.