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Pause tttt

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Pause tttt

(A FastTrack instruction)

Introduces a delay of tttt x 10mS into your program. tttt is given in multiples of 10mS, up to a maximum of 32,767 x 10mS for dialects before 16, and 16,777,215 x 10mS for dialects 16 and later.

From dialect 20 some controllers allow you to program the 10mS basic "tick" interval over the range 1mS to 255mS via a setting in the CPU device. See the CPU device documentation for your controller.

From dialect 16 this instruction becomes non-blocking when executed inside a MultiTrack task. When encountered in a MultiTrack task, it will always yield the processor the first time it is executed and continue yielding until the time has expired.


On SPlat 8bit controllers (green boards) you cannot use Pause, WaitOnT, WaitOffT or WaitOnKT inside a MarkTime/LoopIfTiming loop.

However on SPLat 32 bit controllers (black boards) there is no such restriction.  On these boards you can use any combination of these instructions at any time.  There are full details on other 32 bit board enhacements.