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Welcome to the SPLat software download page.

Each of our free download files is listed here. Unless otherwise indicated in the notes, the best way to procede is to download the file and then install it. To download right-click the file (first column) and select "Save Target As" (IE) or "Save Link As" or "Save Link Target As" (Netscape, Mozilla). Remember to note where the file gets saved. Some browsers with some settings save the file to your desktop without asking.

Once downloaded double-click the file to open or install.

File ~ Size Latest version Description
SPLat/PC 32-bit Details on SPLat/PC page Our free integrated development environment programming software
Firmware & reFlash 3.2MB 3.1 reFlash lets you download and install firmware upgrades in SPLat controllers. This means you can upgrade your controllers with new features as they are released. You will find the reFlash program and firmware files on this page.
SPLat Flash
download tool.
1.9MB The program downloader is a useful tool when you want to send your customer an SPLat program to download to the SPLat controller in your product.
More ...
PIDAssist 4MB 1.1 This is a development tool for PID control systems. In conjunction with the tutorial that's in our SPLat Knowledge Base this fully equips you to develop PID closed loop controls using SPLat.
More details
SPLogger 2.8MB 1.7 This is a data logging application that works in conjunction with a SPLat controller and a PC. It is useful both for occasional data logging needs and for logging data while tuning a controller based on SPLat.
More details.
FTDI Driver 1-2MB - The FTDI driver download page is the best place to get the current FTDI driver for the USB232 adaptors sold by SPLat.
STM32 Cube Programmer 127MB 2.10.0 or later ST Micro's flexible and powerful tool for downloading HEX files to our 32-bit boards. This is our replacement for the venerable DFU Se Demo tool.
DFU SE Demo 19MB 3.06 An STmicro tool - no longer supported - for downloading DFU files to boards including our 32-bit boards.
Active Templates Active Templates have a separate support page. An Active Template is a pre-packaged SPLatWare component which provides a high level of functionality that you can easily configure to suit your needs.
GLWedge 3.3MB - GLWedge is the GaugeLink free "software wedge" program that will transfer readings directly into any Windows program. Be aware that GaugeLink has been discontinued because it is incompatible with USB RS232 dongles.
Training course 1.5MB Latest version Our interactive training course will give you a good grounding in program design as well as mastery of our Fast-track easy-to-learn instruction set. The link to the left will download the course as a zipped file set. Unzip the files into an empty folder and run start.exe. Don't try running start.exe directly out of the zip file.