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MMi203: Xwire

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MMi203: Xwire

The MMi203 with Firmware dialect 20 and later supports Xwire. Xwire is an easy to use method of connecting several boards together into a multiprocessor network.

Boards labelled as MMi203A

There are two 2-pin connectors for Xwire near the power connector.

Boards labelled MMi203 (older versions)

The Xwire connections are on the SPice connector.

The board's Xwire address is set via your program, if it is to be a slave.

Xwire documentation.

The maximum number of data bytes that can be transferred into or out of the MMi203 via Xwire is 32.

Electrically the MMi203 can drive 10 unit loads and represents one unit load. That means one MMi203 board can drive 10 other MMi203s or other "unit load" boards.

The master configuration table may contain a maximum of 50 entries. This is more than the hardware limit. Conceivably one slave board might have more than one logical device (address) on it.