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MMi203: SPice connector

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MMi203: SPice connector

This section describes the specifics of the SPice connector on the MMi203. The SPice expansion scheme in general is documented elsewhere in the SPLat Knowledge Base, under the SPLat Expansion Framework.

The SPice connector is the longer of the two single pin-row connectors located away from the edge of the board. It is labeled "SPICE". It is identical to the SPice connector on the SL99, except the pins map to different I/Os.

The SPice connector signals are as follows:

PinAs inputAs outputAs AnInAs AnOutU(n)Comments
1 Raw positive board supply voltage
2 +5V regulated. Permissible load 5mA
3 Negative bias voltage. Permissible load 1mA.
4 15 16* E (4)   0

Doubles as Tx for TSP (D<=19)

Doubles as Xwire data (D>=20) for boards labelled MMi203 (c.f. MMi203A)

5 16 17* F (5)   1 Doubles as Rx for TSP (D<=19)
6 17 18* G (6)   2  
7 13* 19 H (7)   3 Doubles as option link
8 14* 20   J (9) 4 Doubles as option link
9 18 21   I (8)* 5

Doubles as the programmable thermistor drive voltage.

10,11,12 0V (system ground)

The U(n) column refers to the position in U of the pin's configuration byte during a SPiceConfigU instruction.

Analog channel designators are show both in the old letter style and the newer (dialect 18 floating point analog I/O) numeric channel numbers.

The analog output function (pins 8 and 9) is actually a pulse width modulated (PWM) digital output. On a SPice board this can be filtered to yield a smooth DC voltage, giving an analog output. The PWM signal on SPice pin 9 is also used for the thermistor drive voltage on the main board; naturally it can only be used for one thing at a time.

Pins 4 through 9 can all be set up for different functions with different SPice boards. The function of the pins is set in your program using the SPiceConfigU instruction. Default settings are marked *.

Note that SPice pins 7 and 8 use the same processor pins as the option links. Using them for SPice precludes using them as option links, and visa versa. If one or both of those two pins is used on a SPice board then you must remove the corresponding option jumper.

The 5mA permissible load on the +5V supply pin is a nominal allowance that has been included in the overall power supply budget with board supply voltages up to the maximum rating of 32V. This can be increased significantly if lower supply voltages are used.

We do not intend users to use the SPice connector other than for add-on boards supplied by us. The above information is provided mainly to make you aware of the possibilities, perhaps to inspire you to have a custom SPice board made.

Note: TSP has been discontinued